
See what students say:


University of Houston’s MBA program is perfect for “experienced professionals seeking a respected degree [yet unwilling to] break the bank.” The program’s curriculum affords students the “ability to customize [their] degree to [their] interests.” A grateful student clarifies, “They have set up the Bauer MBA Program to be much more like an undergrad program where you have all sorts of choices on how you want to pursue your MBA.” Of course, perhaps “the greatest strength of Bauer is [its] celebration of diversity.” Another thrilled student explains, “Each student/professor/faculty member brings a unique perspective from their own personal experience[s] and Bauer capitalizes on it.” Many are also quick to take advantage of the “great study abroad options [as well as] developmental organizations like the Red Lab, Cougar Venture club, Society for HR Management, etc.”

Students here are generally quite pleased with their “knowledgeable” professors. And they truly value the fact that their professors have “lots of real world experience to share.” Just as important, it’s also quite evident that Bauer professors are wholly invested in their students. As one impressed future MBA interjects, “I’ve taken a statistics course where the professor offer[ed] study review sessions on Sundays to ensure students who need[ed] additional help [had] the access.” Moreover, “professors routinely volunteer their time to host ‘Bauer Boot Camps’ on topics ranging from Excel mastery, introductory statistics, to understanding case methodology.” And while some students gripe about the administration, calling them “indifferent,” others assure us that “overall, the school is run very well.”

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Admissions Office Contact

Tiffany King
Director of Admissions and Recruitment, Graduate and Professional Programs

4250 Martin Luther King Blvd.
UCBB 424
Houston, TX 77204-6021
United States





Applicants: 119
Acceptance Rate: 34%
Average Undergrad GPA 3.53
Years Work Experience: 1.8
Average Age: 24



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