English - College English
This tutor was amazing she was so patient when me even though I was sick. Thank you!
English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Not at this time
English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Cynthia was great!! she went over my paper with me and showed me exactly what needed to be fixed in my citations
English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Great Help, Thank you Cynthia.
English - College English
My tutor did a really great job. Helping me understand my concepts better and be more confident moving on to more work.
English - College English
Amazing tutor and I lov ethat they are avilable 24/7.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Great helper!!!
English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Great feedback from
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Thank you ! Very grateful ! Bryan
English - Essay Writing - College Level
She was very knowledgable about my citation issues even though they were a bit unusual. She also did a great job explaining everything in a way that was easy to understand.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Thank you so much for your thorough review and feedback! Your advice was extremely helpful and made me realize how significant each word is. Thank you again!
English - Essay Writing - College Level
This session was in regards to the nuances of the APA7 and self-referencing within a paper. It was excellent.
English - College English
Cynthia was an excellent tutor and helped me understand and grasp the mistakes I was making on my english assignment. She was able to explain things well and clearly in the chat and gave me great advice.
English - College English
Vey resourceful and great with grammar. Provided excellent feedback.
English - College English
i loved how you guys can take this time to help us when we need it the most!
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Wow! What an excellent review. Cynthia responded very fast to my paper. I submitted it, took a shower, came back, and it was ready! She provided great points and details with explanations to help improve my work. THANK YOU!!!
English - Essay Writing - College Level
The tutor I had was really great and helped my writing be stronger.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
This tutor was great and gave great feedback.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Excellent tutor! Thank you so much!
English - Essay Writing - College Level
shes so nice and patient I love her, favorite tutor
English - Primary (K-2) ELL
I love her she help me alot
English - Literature
The tutor war very patient and kind.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Cynthia was extremely helpful by asking me questions that helped me understand how to properly do the citations and formatting for my paper. I have a better understanding now in such a short time compared to reading a text book chapter and feeling confused.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Thank you!