
See what students say:


San Francisco State University’s College of Business offers a contemporary MBA program, right in the middle of the Bay Area’s business community. While SFSU’s main campus is located in a residential neighborhood, the business school has its own building in “the heart of San Francisco’s financial district.” The curriculum is high quality and progressive, and the “flexible schedule and very convenient location” make this school a top choice for San Francisco professionals. “The opportunity to individually tailor an MBA to a specific job market is key,” and many students choose SFSU to participate in the school’s popular “sustainable business emphasis.” In fact, there is a “focus on corporate responsibility and sustainability” throughout the program, which is well aligned with the Bay Area’s forward-thinking business climate.

The faculty takes a varied approach to teaching, with mixed results. “There are some that read directly from slides and others that are extremely engaging. They take book concepts and translate them into real-life situations.” Students admit that, “you need to be a little selective in the professors you choose,” but reassure us that, “if you do your research, there are enough accomplished professors here to get a solid education.” No matter who oversees classes, the curriculum is time consuming, as “courses require a lot of group work, a lot of reading, and several presentations.” However, the rewards are worth the effort, and students benefit from “engaging classroom discussion” in their classes. Always current, SFSU “professors are teaching the latest trends” through contemporary case studies.

Due to “the state of California budget constraints,” the program has experienced some recent limitations. For example, “they aren’t always able to offer elective classes consistently.” Fortunately, “the administration has done an excellent job communicating potentialities and schedule changes to the student body.” In fact, the administration gets high marks all around, and the “program advisers and program coordinator are very easy to talk to and helpful.” Both full-time and part-time students assure us, “If you plan out your schedule right, you won’t really have any trouble getting the classes you need.” And, even as the state raises student tuition and fees, an MBA from San Francisco State still comes at a “fairly low cost” for its quality.

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Admissions Office Contact

Manuel Maranan
Director, Admissions, Recruitment, and External Relations

835 Market Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States





Applicants: 296
Acceptance Rate: 29%
Average Undergrad GPA 3.35
Years Work Experience: 3.1
Average Age: 27



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