With final exams on the horizon, it’s time to rev up your study routine. Our tutors helps students do everything from studying for a big test to tackling tough homework assignments. We collected some of our experts' favorite finals study tips for getting through the toughest exams of the year.
Explaining something to someone else is one of the best ways to determine what you have down cold, what you need to take a second look at.
Have a friend make a study sheet for the final exam separately, then get together after you both are done and review the topics together. That way you are less likely to miss something.
Music can help you focus IF you pick the right songs. Forget brand new albums or your favorite songs that might break your conentration when you need to study. Instead, listen to music you already know all the words to, but don't feel compelled to sing along.
See if you can make up new lyrics to your favorite songs that incorporate the formulas or historical dates you have to memorize. Things are a lot easier to remember with a good beat.
Go through your notes and pull out the key points by reading them, re-writing them, then saying them out loud. This method really helps some students commit facts to memory.
Did you know that you have access to your very own finals study assistant? At The Princeton Review, our online tutors are experts in over 40 subjects and AP courses . We can help with tricky concepts or even help you make an exam study plan—whatever you need, 24/7.
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