ACT to SAT Conversion

You’ve prepped for the ACT test, dedicated a Saturday to taking it, and received your score report. Now you're wondering how you would have scored on the SAT instead. Can you convert your scores between the SAT and ACT?

You can use our tools to convert your ACT scores to SAT scores or convert your SAT scores to ACT scores. Scroll down for a look at the underlying data on the SAT to ACT conversion chart.

ACT to SAT Score Calculator

Input your ACT test score to see how well you might do on the SAT.

Enter your ACT composite score (out of 36)

Your potential SAT composite score (out of 1600)

SAT to ACT Score Calculator

Input your SAT test score to see how well you might do on the ACT.

Enter your SAT composite score (out of 1600)

Your potential ACT composite score (out of 36)

ACT vs SAT Conversion Table

You can see composite SAT/ACT score concordance data below.

1600 36 1260 27 920 17
1590 36 1250 26 910 16
1580 36 1240 26 900 16
1570 36 1230 26 890 16
1560 35 1220 25 880 16
1550 35 1210 25 870 15
1540 35 1200 25 860 15
1530 35 1190 24 850 15
1520 34 1180 24 840 15
1510 34 1170 24 830 15
1500 34 1160 24 820 14
1490 34 1150 23 810 14
1480 33 1140 23 800 14
1470 33 1130 23 790 14
1460 33 1120 22 780 14
1450 33 1110 22 770 13
1440 32 1100 22 760 13
1430 32 1090 21 750 13
1420 32 1080 21 740 13
1410 31 1070 21 730 13
1400 31 1060 21 720 12
1390 31 1050 20 710 12
1380 30 1040 20 700 12
1370 30 1030 20 690 12
1360 30 1020 19 680 11
1350 29 1010 19 670 11
1340 29 1000 19 660 11
1330 29 990 19 650 11
1320 28 980 18 640 10
1310 28 970 18 630 10
1300 28 960 18 620 10
1290 27 950 17 610 9
1280 27 940 17 600 9
1270 27 930 17 590 9

The conversions above are based on . You can use the table to approximate your score or can look up the school of your choice here and check out their reported ACT/SAT Test Score data. If a school’s lowest accepted score is a 34 on the ACT or a 1490 on the SAT, those two scores are about equivalent for that school.

Should I Take the ACT or SAT?

If a college's admissions policy indicates that they accept scores from either test, you can be certain that the school does not favor one over the other. Check out SAT vs ACT for an overview of the differences between the exams or take our handy SAT or ACT QUIZ.  An increasing number of students consider  taking both exams.

The best way to determine which test will best reflect your academic potential is to do a trial run of both exams. We offer free practice tests for both the SAT and ACT under the same testing conditions as the actual exams. Our awesome test prep experts will help you understand your personalized score report and make a plan for getting the score you want. 

Take a Free Practice ACT Test

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