On the day of the AP exam, you may be feeling a lot of nerves and excitement. Planning what to bring to an AP test in advance will help avoid last-minute mishaps!

What to bring to an ap test
  • Directions: Whether you’re taking the test at your school or traveling elsewhere, make sure you bring the exact directions, just in case you somehow get turned around. Allow plenty of extra time to get there to avoid any stress the morning of the test!
  • Electronic Device: If (and only if!) you are taking a digital AP exam, you will need to bring a device, such as a laptop, that meets the College Board requirements. And don’t forget the charger!
  • Identification: Make sure to bring a current government- or school-issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license or school ID, especially if you are testing at a site that is not your school.
  • Writing Utensils: If your AP test has a multiple-choice section, you should bring multiple sharpened number 2 pencils with effective erasers (no mechanical pencils) for the bubbles and to make notes. You should also bring multiple black or blue pens to complete the clerical information on the test booklets and any free-response sections. Test your pens the night before to ensure they work! If you are taking a digital AP test, you still should bring a pen or pencil in case you need to make any notes on the scrap paper provided by the proctor.
  • Calculator: If your AP test has a multiple-choice section, you should bring multiple sharpened number 2 pencils with effective erasers (no mechanical pencils) for the bubbles and to make notes. You should also bring multiple black or blue pens to complete the clerical information on the test booklets and any free-response sections. Test your pens the night before to ensure they work! If you are taking a digital AP test, you still should bring a pen or pencil in case you need to make any notes on the scrap paper provided by the proctor.
  • Topic-Specific Items: Each AP exam may have a specific list of additional items that can be used during the exam. For example, the AP Physics exams allow you to bring a ruler or straightedge to use on the exam. Be sure to look online at the College Board website to see exactly what is allowed for the test you’re taking.
  • Accomodations: If you have any approved accommodations, bring a copy of your College Board Accommodations Letter. The CB accomodations letter must be requested through your school or the College Board well in advance of the testing date.
  • Watch: You won’t be allowed to use any smart devices (like a phone) during the exam, so if you want to keep track of time, it’s a good idea to bring an analog (non-digital) watch; smartwatches are not allowed. Make sure your watch doesn’t connect to the internet or make noise.
  • Layers: Just as with movie theatres, even if it’s hot outside, it might be cold inside the test site. Wearing multiple layers will allow you to make adjustments so that you remain comfortable throughout the exam.

If it’s not on the list of things above, it’s not allowed at an AP exam (unless you have an official accommodation).

While it may seem like a lot of things to remember, knowing what to bring to an AP test and preparing your list of items in advance will make the day of the exam much less stressful. Pack your materials the day before, and triple-check you have everything before you leave!