
No, this is not a major for someone who wants to eat their face off. Yes, this is a real science, complete with math, biology, chemistry, and the rest of the gang. No, this probably won’t improve your cooking abilities. Yes, you may never want to eat fast food again after completing this major.

So, now that we got that cleared up, what is a Food Scientist? A lot of things. From learning how to develop the world’s strongest soybean, to administering food and safety standards, food scientists deal with almost every aspect of food production. They are the brains behind the genetically engineered ear of corn, the doctors of the meat packing industry. Food scientists shape the way we eat by helping to create and enforce new safety standards, expand our understanding of what constitutes a balanced meal, and improve the ways we produce and consume food.

All of this involves a lot of hard science. You’ll take a combination of pre-med and engineering courses aimed at providing you with a basic understanding of the chemical and biological world, as well as the nitty-gritty facts behind food and nutrition.


  • Biochemistry

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Data Analysis

  • Food Additives

  • Food Chemistry Analysis

  • Introduction to Food Processing

  • Microbiology

  • Nutrition

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Get in a lot of math and science courses, particularly biology, chemistry, and calculus.