
Nuclear Engineering is a relatively new field of study; only in the past fifty years have the applications of the field been realized. Nuclear Engineering deals with the production and application of nuclear energy and the use of radioactive materials. As a Nuclear Engineering major, you'll be building a strong foundation of math and science that will enable you to pursue a career in one of many exciting fields. You'll learn about nuclear reactors and how to ensure their safety; the behavior of heat and fluids; and how to measure radiation and decrease its harmful effect on people and the environment. Eventually, you may choose to focus on medical physics, thermal hydraulics, nuclear materials, nuclear waste management, radiation technology, or any number of medical and scientific fields.

The applications of nuclear technology form a huge, multi-billion-dollar business in the United States. Environmental concerns mandate that new and cleaner energy sources be explored, and the medical industry is constantly seeking advancements. Your Nuclear Engineering major may lead you to make discoveries that could truly alter the world.

Be prepared for a lifetime of learning. As with any scientific field, new discoveries are being made daily and new technologies are constantly being developed. Eventually, you'll be part of this constantly evolving and growing community of engineers, researchers, and teachers.


  • Chemistry

  • Computer Programming

  • Elements of Nuclear Engineering

  • Fusion Reactor Technologies

  • Nuclear Engineering Ethics

  • Nuclear Engineering Materials

  • Nuclear Fuels

  • Physics

  • Radiation and Environment

  • Radiation Measurement

  • Reactor Engineering

  • Reactor Safety Analysis

  • Reactor Theory

  • Thermodynamics

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Take as many math and science courses as you can handle-Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Physical Science, Calculus, Geometry, Algebra. Advanced courses will certainly help get you into competitive engineering programs. And since part of your Nuclear Engineering training will be learning how Nuclear Engineering affects our world, classes in Politics and International Affairs might be useful as well.