
The very hands-on, creative, and professionally oriented Radio and Television major goes by a variety of names including broadcasting, among many others. It's usually offered as a specialty within a university's department of communications or department of journalism. If you choose to make Radio and Television your major, you'll study the history, theory, criticism, and nuts-and-bolts production practices of radio, television, and film. In short, you'll learn how to create all manner of electronic media from scratch.

The goal of any Radio and Television program is to prepare you for an entry-level position and, ultimately, a successful career in the media. Upon graduation, you'll be qualified to work for radio and television stations as well as in government, public relations, and a number of other fields. To make sure you are extra-polished when you get your diploma, many schools that offer degree programs in Radio and Television maintain their very own, student-run radio and television stations at which you can practice and gain expertise in all facets of media production.


  • Audience Research

  • Audio Production

  • Broadcast Management

  • Directing

  • Ethics of Mass Media

  • Graphics for Video Production

  • Introduction to Broadcasting

  • Introduction to Mass Media

  • Law and Mass Media

  • Media Criticism

  • News Writing, Editing, and Reporting

  • Statistics

  • Television and Video Production

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Prior experiences with high school newspapers or broadcast stations will obviously give you an edge. You might take several English courses and join the yearbook staff so as to polish your writing skills, too. Beyond that, believe it or not, you'll probably be required to take a course in statistics. Consequently, you shouldn't ignore math completely.