
Some people love to say, “At least you have your health.” And biomedical science majors want to make sure it stays that way. Biomedical science combines the fields of biology and medicine in order to focus on the health of both animals and humans. As a biomedical science major, you’ll study biochemical and physiological functions, anatomical and histological structures, epidemiology, and pharmacology. You’ll learn how to both maintain and promote health in humans and animals with knowledge in the basics of nutrition, diseases, and immunology. Delve into fields such as cell and molecular biology, parasitology, and toxicology, and emerge with hands-on experience through laboratory work and research.

Majors in biomedical science are poised to make valuable contributions to the fields of both biology and medicine—and many move on to make discoveries in the field of biology that have important effects in the medical world. While there are copious careers available to students who obtain a Bachelor of Science degree, many students choose to pursue additional education in professional or graduate school.

As a biomedical science major, you may go on to make advancements in the study of cancer or AIDS, become involved in the research of infectious diseases, or propel science toward improving the human condition in any of hundreds of other ways. Get set to make a scientifically sound difference in the health of living beings.


  • Anatomy

  • Animal Science

  • Biology of Cell Tissues

  • Biomedical Aspects of Human Nutrition

  • Clinical Microbiology

  • Comparative Mammalian Neurology

  • Endocrine Physiology

  • Genetics

  • Organic Chemistry

  • Statistical Methods

  • Virology

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Bulk up on as many science and math courses as you can handle: biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, and trigonometry. The more you can learn now, the better. Scientists must also be good communicators, so be sure to take classes such as English, history, and languages that will help polish your reading and writing skills. And of course, you should take advantage of any science courses or clubs that offer laboratory experience.