Register for the MCAT
- Enrolling with The Princeton Review does NOT register you for an actual test administration. If you need help registering, please visit About the MCAT for complete test information including “How Do I Register?”
- Note that there are times in the year when MCAT test dates are not yet available for the following year, as well as times when registration is not yet open for all test dates. You should create an account on the AAMC website and look for alerts for when registration opens for your desired test date.
Choose a Schedule for Your Psychology and Sociology Lessons
- When you open your MCAT program for the first time, you will be prompted to choose a schedule for the Psychology and Sociology portion of your program.
- You will find a wide variety of convenient schedules to choose from. Keep your actual test date in mind when selecting your schedule. You will need to choose a schedule that begins no earlier than 10 days before your first scheduled class and ends no later than 45 days after your last class. The dashboard will prevent you from enrolling into a program outside of the guidelines.
- Once you have selected your Psych/Soc schedule, it will be added to your full Schedule in your My Campus Dashboard.
Complete Your Pre-Course Assignments
- You will have full access to your Dashboard immediately when you enroll. Use the time before your first scheduled session to complete the pre-course assignments detailed below.
- Take the first set of Diagnostic Exams. There are six of these and will take up to an hour each to complete. Set aside 3-5 days to accomplish this. For more information on the Diagnostic Exams, see the Information about Diagnostic Exams section on the Resource tab of your Dashboard.
- Review the Student Guide available on both the Home and the Resources tabs of your Dashboard. The Student Guide contains key information that will help you set yourself up for success, so read it early and often!
- Watch “Lecture Zero” on the Resource tab. This 30-minute video covers basic MCAT information, an overview of your course and materials, as well as some subject-specific nuances and study strategies.
- Read through the material on the Resource tab to familiarize yourself with the tools provided as part of your course.
- Throughout your program, you will have pre-reading to do before each class. Given the amount of materials covered on the MCAT, coming to class prepared is key to your success. In order to complete your pre-reading, you should start on your Schedule tab, which will provide lessons details such as “MCAT Physic Class 3”. The pre-reading for any given class can be found in both the Before section of the relevant lesson in the Coursework tab and in the syllabi contained in Student Guide. To get off to the best possible start, try completing pre-reading for all subjects before your first scheduled class. Occasionally, the lesson order for your course may change. Working ahead with your pre-readings helps ensure that you are always prepared.
- If your textbook kit hasn’t arrived yet, go to the In Case You Did Not Receive Your Books section of the Resource tab to download a PDF of the lesson you need for your first class.
Understand Your Course Schedule
- Classes are led by live instructors in a virtual classroom at the times listed in the Schedule tab of your My Campus Dashboard. The Go To Class link for your LiveOnline class session in the Schedule tab of your dashboard will become active 15 minutes early. We encourage you to use this time to make sure that you are fully logged into the classroom for the start of the session.
- Classes are interactive. Come prepared to learn by participating. Your success depends on mastering both content and specialized test taking techniques. Classes will involve reading questions aloud and working through problems to practice techniques. Your instructor will call on you! And bring an open mind because some techniques will be different than what you may have learned in other contexts.
- Note that in rare cases when technical difficulties prevent students from logging in to the virtual classroom through the Dashboard, direct links may be sent out by email.
- Classes will rotate among different subject areas and instructors. It is very important to consult your schedule regularly to complete pre-readings necessary to participate fully in each session. Match the class description, such as “MCAT Physics Class 3”, to either the Before section of the relevant lesson in the Coursework tab or the syllabi contained in Student Guide.
Take Your Computer Based Practice Tests
- It’s important that you take practice tests as you progress through your course. You have 11 full-length practice tests available in your Dashboard. These tests are designed to duplicate the real MCAT as closely as possible.
- You are required to take 5 tests during your course. The remaining tests are for you to use for extra practice. (Note: students who choose the MCAT 510 Guarantee are required to take 8 tests.)
- Note that you are expected to take one full-length practice test within the first week of scheduled classes. This is a very important exercise.
- Visit the Resource tab of your Dashboard for more information about practice tests.
AAMC Tests and Practice Questions
- Your program includes access to the online practice tests and practice questions available from AAMC.
- Access AAMC tests and practice questions through the Resources tab.
- Be sure to read the terms and conditions specific to these tests and practice questions. Your access is governed by policies that are not set by The Princeton Review. Please take note of the expiration date and other limitations on your access to AAMC tests and practice questions that are different than what you will see in your account for The Princeton Review’s own online resources.
- Homework to be completed after each class will be located in the After section of each class segment. Please make certain you are completing the required assignments in order to keep your Guarantee in place. (Note: Students who choose the MCAT 510 Guarantee option must fulfill additional requirements.)