Understanding the Recent Changes to the GRE Test

African American woman studies for the GRE

The GRE test, or Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test used by many graduate programs, including business schools and law schools, as part of their admission requirements. The test is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Recently, the GRE test underwent some changes, specifically a reduction in the number of questions and testing time. The Shorter GRE format has raised questions about its difficulty and impact on test-takers.

Overview of the GRE test

The GRE test consists of three sections: Analytical Writing, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. The test is designed to measure a student's readiness for graduate-level academic work.

Reduction in number of questions and testing time

The Shorter GRE test consists of fewer questions and takes less time to complete than the previous version. The number of questions in the Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning sections has been reduced from 40 to 27 each, and the testing time has been reduced from 3 hours and 45 minutes to 1 hours and 58 minutes.

Reasons for the changes

The changes to the GRE test were made in response to feedback from test-takers and graduate programs. The goal was to create a more focused and efficient test-taking experience that better reflects the skills needed for success in graduate-level academic work.

Potential Benefits of the Shorter GRE Test

While the changes to the GRE test have raised concerns about its difficulty, there is also potential benefits to the new format.

Improved test-taking experience: The shorter testing time and more focused testing may lead to an improved test-taking experience, with less fatigue and stress for test-takers.

Potential Drawbacks of the Shorter GRE Test

While there are potential benefits to the shorter GRE test, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider.

Limited opportunity to showcase skills: With fewer questions, test-takers may have limited opportunities to showcase their skills and knowledge in certain areas.

Increased importance of each question: With fewer questions, each question carries more weight in determining a test-taker's overall score. This puts more pressure on test-takers to perform well on each question.

Practical Guidance for Preparing for the Shorter GRE Test

A caucasion woman studies for the GRE

To prepare for the shorter GRE test, test-takers should consider the following practical guidance.

Familiarize yourself with the test format: Test-takers should familiarize themselves with the new test format and understand the types of questions that will be asked in each section.

Develop a study plan: Test-takers should develop a study plan that includes regular practice tests and targeted study of areas where they need improvement.

Practice time management strategies: With the shorter testing time, test-takers should practice time management strategies to ensure they have enough time to answer each question.

Tips for Achieving Your Desired GRE Score

To achieve their desired GRE score, test-takers should keep the following tips in mind.

Focus on Weaknesses: Identify your weaker areas and dedicate extra time to improve them. Don't neglect your strengths, but prioritize areas that need the most attention.

Understand the GRE Format: Familiarize yourself with the GRE's structure , including the types of questions in each section, time limits, and scoring patterns. This knowledge will help you tailor your preparation effectively.

Time Management: Practice time management during your prep. Learn how to pace yourself and allocate time wisely during the test.

Take Care on Test Day: On the actual test day, arrive early, and bring the required identification. Stay calm and focused during the exam. f you get stuck on a question, make an educated guess, mark the question, and move on to the next question. If you have time left at the end of the section, you can return to the question.

Retake if Necessary: If you don't achieve your desired score, don't be discouraged. You can retake the GRE. Many test-takers improve their scores with additional preparation.

The changes to the GRE test have raised questions about its difficulty and impact on test-takers. While there are potential benefits and drawbacks to the shorter GRE test, test-takers can prepare themselves for success by familiarizing themselves with the test format, developing a study plan, practicing time management strategies, and taking care of themselves on test day.