The MCAT tests a wide range of science content ; most students study an average of 300-400 hours for this exam, and many wish they had put in more! Having an MCAT study plan can help keep you on track to prepare for this critical test.
To effectively study, you have to know what you are up against, and how long you have to study.
Even if you’ve already completed your content preparation, it’s a good idea to assess your confidence in the wide variety of topics you need to know to be successful on the MCAT. If you haven’t yet started content preparation, this is a great first step to prioritize your studying.
You will need at minimum:
Be cautious when choosing what materials to use, especially among free online resources that may either contain detail well beyond what the MCAT requires, or which may be too superficial.
The Princeton Review offers a Self-Paced Course that gives you:
The Princeton Review also has several instructor-led courses .
Creating a study plan is a lot of work, and some students prefer to have a test prep company do the scheduling for them. However, you decide to study content, do not randomly choose topics to study based on what you “feel like studying” on that day. Having a defined schedule will help you focus your prep because you’ll know exactly what needs to be done every day.
Try to complete a full-length practice test about every 2-3 weeks; completing five practice tests will require about 10-12 weeks. Remember that you will need a full day to complete a full-length test and likely one full day afterward to review it.
Choose topics based on your confidence levels from your practice tests. If you have a retail MCAT prep book or are taking a prep course like the Princeton Review’s, these topics are likely packaged into bite-sized pieces.
Try to be specific; for example, don’t just list a major topic such as “Molecular Biology.” Instead, list the subtopics “DNA Replication” or “Protein Translation.”
(A good rule of thumb for “major” topics vs. “subtopics,” is that major topics are typically an entire college semester course, whereas subtopics are usually part of that course.)
Aim to complete at least 2-3 practice passages for each subtopic, for a total of around 8-10 passages for each major topic. Include some Free Standing Question (FSQ) drills as well. Completing 3 practice passages and reviewing them will likely take about an hour, so consider that in your schedule. As you review your passages, take note of any content topic you seem to be struggling on.
Here are four more things to consider when crafting an MCAT study plan:
An MCAT study plan will help keep you on track and give you an encouraging way to track your progress. The sooner you put one together, the more time you’ll have to spend properly preparing to get the score you want.
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