Level I CFA® Exam
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CFA Exam Pass Assurance*
Our content will teach all
the essential information you need to pass the exam.
The Best Instructors
Our instructors are all CFA
Charterholders, professors, and financial professionals.
Resources for Passing the Exam
Thousands of practice questions,
hundreds of study slides, video lectures, mock exams, and more.Choose What Fits Your Needs.
$499 $299
The on-demand course
you will need to pass
the Level I CFA exam.
Private Tutoring
LiveOnline Instruction
1-1 customized LiveOnline
instruction ensures you'll
pass the Level I CFA exam
Level 1 CFA
Essential Free Trial
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Use the Study Materials that Work for You
We invested thousands of hours to create the optimized study materials needed to pass your CFA exam. It is all yours now.
Recorded Video Lectures
On-demand video lectures recorded by top
instructors. Complete the exam prep with strategic videos on each subject along with concise study notes and practice questions.Study Note Slides
Our experts combed through the 10 subjects
covered in the Level I, Level II, and Level III Program exams to compile slides with the content most likely to appear on the tests.
Aligned with the 2025 curriculum
Practice Questions & Mock Exams
We ensure our students practice with
exam-like questions in an environment that closely resembles the actual CFA Exam so they see success on exam day.

Professor 1-1 Q&A
AccessStuck with a difficult concept?
An expert is ready to help you 1-1 through our unlimited 1-1 Q&A.
CFA Formulas
These sheets have all the
formulas you will need on exam day.
Professor 1-1 Q&A
AccessStuck with a difficult concept?
An expert is ready to help you 1-1 through our unlimited 1-1 Q&A.
CFA Formulas
These sheets have all the
formulas you will need on exam day.
Professor 1-1 Q&A
AccessStuck with a difficult concept?
An expert is ready to help you 1-1 through our unlimited 1-1 Q&A.
CFA Formulas
These sheets have all the
formulas you will need on exam day.Get Results Now!
$499 $299
The on-demand course
you will need to pass
the Level I CFA exam.
Private Tutoring
LiveOnline Instruction
1-1 customized LiveOnline
instruction ensures you'll
pass the Level I CFA exam
Level I CFA
Essential Free Trial
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7 days 100% risk free
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Expert Instructors
Our instructors are renowned experts in their field. They don't just know the content well, they teach it well. They break down complex subjects in an organized and easy-to-understand manner so you can study efficiently.

Charles Alan Blaylock
Dr. Blaylock, our Fixed Income expert, taught at various universities since 1999. He initiated and led the development of a new finance program at Henderson State University. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance from Mississippi State University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) credential. Professor Blaylock is also the faculty advisor to his university’s investment fund.

Martin McNish
Martin McNish is our Quantitative Methods, Derivatives and Alternative Investments expert. Mr. McNish is currently a Portfolio Manager at Odlum Brown Limited, where he began his career in 2008. He was a finalist for the Investment Industry Association of Canada Top Under 40 award. He received his Chartered Financial Analyst designation in 2013 and has been a Level III instructor since 2015.

Chris Ansell
Professor Ansell is our expert in Corporate Finance and Equity Investments. He is the Course Director of a University MSc in London, which is accredited by CFA Institute. His experience includes providing CFA revision courses around the world, including courses for CFA London, CFA Ireland and CFA Paris. Professor Ansell reinforces his curriculum teaching for CFA exams with examples from his experience as former Equity Analyst at an International Investment Bank.

Dr. G. Todd Jackson
Dr. Jackson is our expert in Financial Reporting and Analysis. Prior to teaching, Dr. Jackson spent seven years as the CFO in the nonprofit sector. Currently Professor of Accounting at Rogers State University, he has over 27 years of teaching. Dr. Jackson earned his Master of Accountancy from the University of Oklahoma and his Ph.D. in Business Administration where he studied accounting and finance.

Maria Kutscher
Professor Kutscher is our expert in Ethics and Professional Standards, and Portfolio Management. Professor Kutscher teaches Investment Planning at the University of California. Prior to teaching, she held leadership roles in Bank of America Private Wealth Management, TIAA and other notable investment firms where she trained advisors, portfolio managers and developed investment policies and asset allocation models.

Dr. M. Emrul Hasan
Our Economics expert, Dr. Emrul Hasan, currently lectures at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Hasan has been training CFA candidates for over 7 years. He earned his PhD in Finance at the Beedie School of Business of Simon Fraser University, Canada, and an MA in Financial Economics from York University, Canada. He spent several years as an Investment Analyst and Consultant at different investment banks and think-tanks such as Fraser Institute and Asian Tiger Capital Partners Ltd.

Charles Alan Blaylock
Dr. Blaylock, our Fixed Income expert, taught at various universities since 1999. He initiated and led the development of a new finance program at Henderson State University. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance from Mississippi State University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) credential. Professor Blaylock is also the faculty advisor to his university’s investment fund.

Martin McNish
Martin McNish is our Quantitative Methods, Derivatives and Alternative Investments expert. Mr. McNish is currently a Portfolio Manager at Odlum Brown Limited, where he began his career in 2008. He was a finalist for the Investment Industry Association of Canada Top Under 40 award. He received his Chartered Financial Analyst designation in 2013 and has been a Level III instructor since 2015.

Chris Ansell
Professor Ansell is our expert in Corporate Finance and Equity Investments. He is the Course Director of a University MSc in London, which is accredited by CFA Institute. His experience includes providing CFA revision courses around the world, including courses for CFA London, CFA Ireland and CFA Paris. Professor Ansell reinforces his curriculum teaching for CFA exams with examples from his experience as former Equity Analyst at an International Investment Bank.

Dr. G. Todd Jackson
Dr. Jackson is our expert in Financial Reporting and Analysis. Prior to teaching, Dr. Jackson spent seven years as the CFO in the nonprofit sector. Currently Professor of Accounting at Rogers State University, he has over 27 years of teaching. Dr. Jackson earned his Master of Accountancy from the University of Oklahoma and his Ph.D. in Business Administration where he studied accounting and finance.

Maria Kutscher
Professor Kutscher is our expert in Ethics and Professional Standards, and Portfolio Management. Professor Kutscher teaches Investment Planning at the University of California. Prior to teaching, she held leadership roles in Bank of America Private Wealth Management, TIAA and other notable investment firms where she trained advisors, portfolio managers and developed investment policies and asset allocation models.