
See what students say:


The College of Business at Colorado State University offers a solid mid-tier program for an “an amazing value” at a well-respected institution that is ideal for working students looking to progress or diversify their careers. There are multiple program options for career advancement (including Online, Professional, and Early Career), and eight-week classes terms, scheduling flexibility, online courses, and course layout all add to forward-thinking approach to the education model we move into an increasingly digital world. “I would not have been able to pursue an MBA had the option of online education not been available,” says a student. Courses are “fast-paced and challenging” and provide a wealth of applicable skills for students to immediately begin putting into practice, and the staff in general is “very helpful and enthusiastic” about students’ education.

The “go at your own pace” curriculum is lock-step, where each class builds on previous classes, and student admit that some of the classes can be extremely time intensive in terms of heavy reading and multiple assignments on top of class hours. Professors all have real world experience and “have experienced a magnitude of business success in their respective fields.” Thanks to the staggering diversity of the students in any given class (both in-person and online), faculty makes sure that “there is a lot of insight as to how topics are handled in specific industries.” “We have very lively discussions in our classes,” says a student.

Online students have access to the same lectures as on-campus students (these can be attended live, or downloaded at a later date), but a few say that there is a “lack of resources and help for distance MBA students.” “While I have had some interaction with a couple professors, typically the only interaction online students have is with their assigned Teacher ’s Assistant, called Section Coordinators or SCs,” says one student (do note that “section coordinators are knowledgeable and helpful”). In addition, the distance students tend to represent much more of a variable in terms of devotion to the studies, so “random group assignments are often a gamble and it can be nerve wracking.” Still, the program “does a good job of connecting us through discussion forums and group projects, and making us feel like we’re part of the university.”

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Admissions Office Contact

Paul Santiago
MBA Recruiting Coordinator

1260 Campus Delivery
College of Business
Fort Collins, CO 80523
United States





Applicants: 333
Acceptance Rate: 84%
Average Undergrad GPA 3.49
Years Work Experience: 5.5
Average Age: 32



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