
See what students say:


An "excellent business program," a strong education program, a "successful honors program," and "good study-abroad options" highlight the academic offerings of SUNY-Oswego. Professors seem focused on creating a "personal and comfortable learning environment" for undergraduates. Oswego profs are "knowledgeable about their subject and excited to be in Oswego." They seem to "really care about what you do and want to help you in every way to make sure you do well." Students also appreciate that they "have a lot of opportunities to work with professors on research and other projects outside of the classroom to help build real-world experience." That makes sense to many students, as they view an Oswego education mainly as "preparation for the working world." That said, "some of the GE (general education) professors are not so great." But all-in-all, it's the "amazing professors" who make an Oswego bachelor's degree "a great education for the amount of money you pay." The administration gets only fair reviews. While it "has good intentions at heart," it is "pretty disorganized in many ways."

Student Body

SUNY-Oswego's student body "consists mostly of middle-class to lower-middle-class students from upstate New York." That said, there are also many "from downstate like NYC and Long Island." How do you tell the difference between upstaters and downstaters? Word on campus is that upstaters aren't afraid to occasionally wear their flip flops outside in the winter, while downstaters keep their Uggs on. In addition to permanent residence somewhere in the Empire State, "the majority of students are white." Temperamentally, "the typical student is usually someone who is studious from Sunday to Wednesday, and parties on weekends. "There are some students who don't go to class, and those who don't party," explains an undergrad. "They are all accepted by the community and will have friends in different social cliques." "They normally fit in by finding a club that they enjoy," agrees another.

Campus Life

Winter sport enthusiasts be advised, "Oswego offers some awesome winter activities due to the amount of snow we get." These include "one of the best" ice skating rinks, "so ice skating is always a fun activity." In addition, "snowball fights are a must." And of course, "one of everyone's favorite things is going to the home hockey games (we won the national championship in [2007])." "When the weather is nice we have bonfires down by the lake," and "in the summer and spring people will spread out beach towels and get some sun on the lakeside of campus." In addition, "there are also concerts and performers that come throughout the year to the school." "Some students go out on the weekends to parties and bars and others see a movie or go bowling," says one student. Some here think "the city of Oswego has seen better days," finding that because it is "a small city," it lacks the "excitement of big-city life."

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Contact & Visit

Campus Visits Contact

Rodrick Andrews

Office of Admissions
229 Sheldon Hall
Oswego, NY 13126-3599



Experience College Life

Most Popular Places On Campus
Marano Campus Center
Penfield Library and Lake Effect Cafe
Richard S. Shineman Center of Science, Engineering & Innovation
The Village - Townhouses
Rich Hall, School of Business
Rice Creek Biological field station; the spectacular Lake Ontario sunsets are a favorite from every view on campus; Laker Hall (Field House); Johnson Hall (1st Year Residence Hall)

Most Popular Places Off Campus
Shores of Lake Ontario/Oswego International Marina
Fort Ontario
Rudy's Restaurant and Bev's Ice cream
Fishing/downtown riverwalk
Destiny USA - Syracuse, NY
Downtown Oswego...movie theater, eateries, shops, museums and restaurants. In addition to the annual City of Oswego Harborfest.

Campus Tours

Campus Tours
Appointment Required: Yes
Dates: Year-round
Times: Varies
Average Length: 1 hour

On Campus Interview

Campus Interviews

Information Sessions

call for appointment

Faculty and Coach Visits

Dates/Times Available

Contact Coach Directly

Advance Notice
1 week

Contact Email Address for Visit

Class Visits

Dates/Times Available
Academic Year

Please contact academic departments directly.

Overnight Dorm Stays

Overnight Dorm Stays

Contact Admissions Office


Types of Transportation Available to Campus
There are Centro buses that continuously shuttle students around campus. There are also buses that go downtown and stop at Wal-Mart in Oswego. Two taxi companies also help students get around town. There is a Centro bus that goes to Syracuse to the regional transportation center where students can take Amtrak or Greyhound or Trailways busses home. Syracuse Hancock Int'l Airport is also an option for students.

Driving Instructions to Campus
From the North: Take Rte. I-81 south to Rte. 104, then follow Rte. 104 west through the city of Oswego to campus. Note: Within the city of Oswego, Rte. 104 becomes Bridge Street. From the South: Take the New York Thruway north to Exit 16, and proceed west to Binghamton on Rte. 6 (becomes Rte 17). Travel North on Rte. I-81 to Exsit 16A, then north on Rte. 481 through Fulton to Rte. 104 in Oswego. Follow Rte. 104 west to campus. Note: Within the city of Qswego, Rte 104 becomes Bridge Street. From the East: Take the New York Thruway west to Exit 34A (vicinity of Syracuse). Travel north on Rte. 481 through Fulton to Rte. 104 in Oswego. Follow Rte. 104 west to campus. Note: Within the city of Oswego, Rte. 104 becomes Bridge Street. From the West: Take the New York Thruway east to Exit 40 (Weedsport). Proceed north on Rte. 34 to Rte. 104, then east on Rte. 104 to campus. (Or if you perfer, take Rte. 104 directly to campus.) Note: Within the city of Oswego, Rte. 104 becomes Bridge Street.

Local Accommodations
Captain's Quarters (Best Western) 26 E. First St. (Rte. 481) 1-800-528-1234; Days Inn, Rte. 104 E. 1-800-329-7466; Econo Lodge, 70 E. First St. 315-343-1600 or 1-800-446-6900; Oswego Inn, Ltd., 180 E. Tenth St. 315-342-6200 or 1-800-721-7341; Scottish Inn, Rte. 104 W. 315-343-4900
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Applicants: 15,138
Acceptance Rate: 81%
Average HS GPA: 3.11



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