
See what students say:


“Professors expect a lot from you” at the University of St. Thomas, a modest-sized Catholic school with a liberal arts flavor. “There is no spoon-feeding,” attests a junior, “but you actually learn! There are no multiple-choice tests, but this guarantees that you learn the subject. Students are competitive but very helpful to each other. I love it!” These students also rave about the small-school feel at UST: “Having grown up attending large public schools, there’s something to be said for smaller schools, where you’re not treated like a number but a real person. Each of my professors, advisors, etc. knew me personally before the end of my first semester. They are truly concerned with making sure that you fully understand the material and are getting the most out of your academic experience.” The experience is enhanced by a requirement that demands all students take a philosophy and a theology course each academic year. For all the pluses, there are a few minuses worth preparing for---particularly, “the Financial Aid Office and the Business Office.” But overall, “The experience at UST is amazing,” says an undergrad. “That sums it up.”

Student Body

“There are several different social groups at the school,” explains an econ major. “One is comprised of those who love to party and party hard. Then there is the religious sect, which is involved in various aspects of Campus Ministry. . . . Then the rest of us basically stick to ourselves.” Another student says that it’s even more complicated than that: “We have commuters, homeschoolers, varsity players, introverts, perfectionists, clubbers---and they all interact quite well.” Indeed, friendliness is the name of the game at UST. A sophomore tells us, “Fitting in for any type of student is as easy as walking up to a friend and striking up a conversation.” Yes, there are many Catholics here (“It is a Catholic school, after all”), many who are “conservative,” and many who “come from wealthy families.” But rest assured that “diversity is welcomed, embraced, and celebrated” at the University of St. Thomas.

Campus Life

“Life at UST is pretty chill,” despite the fact that the campus sits near the bustling heart of America’s fourth-largest metropolitan area. According to a vocal performance major, “On-campus life is extremely intimate and personal. There is only one dorm, and people meet and get to know each other quickly. The campus is small, and people run into each other all the time.” A psych major adds that for such a small school, UST hosts “a lot of events as well (date auctions, hunger banquets, free musicals/theater productions, movie screenings, etc.).” Additionally, “The athletic side of life is getting better . . . as UST just moved up from all intramurals to a few intercollegiate sports.” Nonetheless, the majority of UST’s activity takes place during the school week, largely because “Most people are from Houston and go home on the weekends.” For those who live on campus, making the most of Houston’s distractions is easy: “We are in the middle of the Montrose area, which is filled [with] great restaurants, coffee shops, and thrift stores.”

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Contact & Visit

Campus Visits Contact

Angelique Longobardi
Campus Visit Coordinator

Office of Admissions
3800 Montrose, Box#7
Houston, TX 77006



Experience College Life

Most Popular Places On Campus
Jerabeck Activity and Athletic Center
Crooker Student Center
Chapel of St. Basil
Guinan Residence Hall
Center for Science and Health Professions

Most Popular Places Off Campus
Houston Museum District
The Galleria
Rice Village
Downtown Houston
Hermann Park
The university is only minutes from many attractions in the Houston Museum District, which is made up of 16 attractions including the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Holocaust Museum Houston, the Menil Collection, and the Museum of Health and Medical Science. The Galleria is an internationally famous retail/hotel environment center and the fifth largest shopping center in the United States. The Village is a quaint collection of specialty shops, bars, and a variety of restaurants. Hermann Park is home to Miller Outdoor Theatre, the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the Houston Zoo, and the Hermann Park Japanese Garden.

Campus Tours

Campus Visiting Center

Campus Tours
Appointment Required: Yes
Dates: Year-round
Times: Varies
Average Length: 1 hour

On Campus Interview

Campus Interviews

Information Sessions

In person and virtual info. session available throughout the year

Faculty and Coach Visits

Dates/Times Available

Contact Admissions Office

Contact Email Address for Visit

Class Visits

Dates/Times Available
Academic Year

Contact Admissions Office

Overnight Dorm Stays

Overnight Dorm Stays
Not Available

Contact Admissions Office

only available at specific events


Types of Transportation Available to Campus
The University of St. Thomas is accessible not only by car, but by various forms of mass transportation. The university is on or near several routes on the Houston METRO system, within two miles of a passenger bus (Greyhound) station, within five miles of an Amtrak station, and serviced by two airports. The closest airport is William P. Hobby Airport (12 miles). The university is within 25 miles of George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Driving Instructions to Campus
From Intercontinental Airport: As you exit the airport, follow the signs to US 59. Take US 59 South, which is also marked as "Downtown," and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn right at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the university will be on your right. From Houston Hobby Airport: As you exit the airport, turn right on Airport Blvd. And drive two miles to I-45. At this intersection, proceed under the bridge, turn left, and get on I-45 headed north. Take I-45 north to US 59. Take US 59 South, and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn right at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the university will be on your right. From I-10 East: Head west on I-10 towards downtown Houston, until you hit US 59. Take US 59 South, which is also marked as "Downtown," and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn right at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the University will be on your right. From I-10 West: Head east on I-10 towards downtown Houston, and exit Studemont. Turn right on Studemont, and drive until the same street becomes Montrose Blvd. The University of St. Thomas is at 3800 Montrose Blvd. From US 59 North: Head south on US 59 towards downtown, and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn right at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the University will be on your right. From US 59 South: Head north on US 59 towards downtown, and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn left at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the University will be on your right. From I-45 North: Head south on I-45 towards downtown, and exit onto US 59. Take US 59 South, and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn right at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the University will be on your right. From I-45 South: Head north on I-45 towards downtown, until you reach US 59. Take US 59 South, and exit at Shepherd Street. Turn right at the light on Shepherd Street, and proceed to the second street light, which is West Alabama. Turn right at West Alabama. Drive one mile on West Alabama to Yoakum, and the University will be on your right.

Local Accommodations
The University of St. Thomas has many nearby hotels including Hotel Derek, and various hotels in the Galleria and Greenway Plaza areas.
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Applicants: 2,878
Acceptance Rate: 90%
Average HS GPA: 3.60



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